Arkansas Travelers: Total Eclipse of the Park
April 8, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Join the Travs at Dickey-Stephens Park on Monday, April 8, for an exclusive viewing of the rare total eclipse! This total solar eclipse will begin at 12:30 PM, where it will progress to totality at 1:51 PM, and is expected to last for approximately two minutes and 30 seconds.
Admission to the ballpark on April 8 is FREE! Parking adjacent to the stadium will be available for purchase on that date. Concessions will also be available for purchase inside the park. Further activities preceding and following the eclipse will be announced at a later date and will be out of this world!
Personal telescopes will be allowed into the stadium for the eclipse event, but all cases and equipment must be pre-registered and will be subject to search in accordance with Dickey-Stephens Park’s Clear Bag Policy. Pre-registration information will be available soon!
Snapple Elements® Eclipse Glasses Giveaway
On Saturday, April 6, and Sunday, April 7, we will be giving away special edition Travelers-themed eclipse glasses, presented by Snapple Elements®. This giveaway is available to the first 1,000 attendees on each night.
We will be giving away an additional 1,000 glasses on the day of April 8.