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Argenta Acoustic Music Series
Events from this organizer
Argenta Acoustic Music Series – Mike Dowling
The Joint 301 Main St #102, North Little Rock, AR, United StatesMike digs deep into the musical bag of American roots guitar, favoring the melodic Piedmont style of acoustic blues masters like Mississippi John Hurt and slide great Tampa Red. But Mike can't be pigeonholed as a blues player, or even as a fingerstylist. He's far too versatile for that.
Argenta Acoustic Music Series – Brooks Robertson
The Joint 301 Main St #102, North Little Rock, AR, United StatesHailed by prominent exponents of his instrument like Nokie Edwards, Thom Bresh, John Jorgenson and Mason Williams, the young fingerstyle guitarist Brooks Robertson embodies the creative vision of a postmodern world: It’s the music that counts.